Our staff is comprised of Civil Engineers, Landscape Architects, and Land Surveyors as well as a support staff of drafters and field survey crews.

Edward Arp
Landscape Architect & Chairman of the Board 515-276-4884 ext. 213 ContactB.S. Landscape Architecture, Iowa State University, 1978. Joined CEC in 1980. Registered Landscape Architect in Iowa, 1984. American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) member, 1988. Principal in Civil Engineering Consultants, Inc. from 1987 to present. CEC job experience includes general site planning for commercial, office, single and multi-family residential subdivisions; vehicular and pedestrian circulation design; grading and utility layout; site amenities including landforms, plant materials, signage, entrance features, lakes and fountains.

Pat Shepard
Professional Engineer & Land Surveyor, President 515-276-4884 ext. 214 ContactB.S. Civil Engineering, Iowa State University, 1987. Became a P.E. in 1992 and an L.S. in 1999. Iowa Engineering Society member. Began working for CEC full time in 1987. Principal in CEC from 1996 to present. Currently coordinates and schedules CEC survey crews for work that includes boundary and topographic surveys; legal descriptions; ALTA/ACSM surveys; FEMA elevation certificates; acquisition plats; plats of survey; preliminary and final plats; construction layout and staking; construction monitoring; construction inspection; building and lot layout; and construction as-built and record drawings.

Martin Dostalik
Landscape Architect, Vice President/Treasurer 515-276-4884 ext. 224 ContactBachelor of Landscape Architecture, Iowa State University, 1989. Registered Landscape Architect in Iowa, 1995. Joined CEC in 1990. Partner in CEC since 2004. Work experience at CEC includes site planning for commercial sites with extensive experience in site planning for electric substations and duct bank routing. Also prepares mapping, plats and easements related to electric utility corridors for urban sites and rural alignments. Manages, maintains and updates CEC’s computer system and software.

Paul Clausen
Professional Engineer & LSIT, Secretary 515-276-4884 ext. 217 ContactB.S. Civil Engineering and M.B.A., Iowa State University, 2012. Joined CEC in 2012. Became a P.E. in 2017. Partner in CEC since 2018. LEED Green Associate. Project experience includes site planning of single-family and multiple-family residential, commercial, retail and industrial subdivision developments. Civil engineering design experience includes: sanitary sewer design; water system design; storm sewer design; storm water management planning; unified stormwater quality and quantity control; paving design; site grading; storm water pollution prevention plans incorporating best management practices; and site lighting photometric design. Experienced in rezoning; surveying; preliminary and final platting; and construction inspection and testing.

Bart Turk
Landscape Architect & LEED Green Associate 515-276-4884 ext. 216 ContactBachelors of Landscape Architecture, Iowa State University, 1986. Registered Landscape Architect in Iowa, 1990. ASLA member. Joined CEC in 1986. Shareholder in CEC since 1995. Work experience includes project management of site planning, and subdivision design, for retail, commercial, residential and industrial development including layout, grading, utility and landscape design. Also highly knowledgeable in storm water management, erosion control, SWPPP applications, and cost estimating. Well versed in the municipal approval process regarding changes in land use, rezoning, site planning, preliminary and final platting and the board of adjustment variance process.

Melissa Hills
Professional Engineer & LEED Green Associate 515-276-4884 ext. 225 ContactB.S. Civil Engineering, Iowa State University, 1997. Became a P.E. in Iowa in 2002. Joined CEC in 1999. Shareholder in CEC since 2004. Work experience includes site planning of retail, commercial, and multi-family developments and subdivision design of office parks and single-family residential developments. Civil engineering projects include but are not limited to sanitary sewer design, water main design, storm sewer and detention facility design, paving and grading design, construction inspection and storm water pollution prevention plans incorporating Best Management Practices. Experienced in survey work, construction inspection, construction management and subdivision design.

Shane Devick
Professional Engineer 515-276-4884 ext. 222 ContactB.S. Civil Engineering, Iowa State University, 1997. Joined CEC in 1998. Became a P.E. in Iowa in 2003. Partner in CEC since 2005. Has project experience in civil engineering design including grading and storm water management, sanitary sewer, water systems and storm water pollution prevention plans incorporating Best Management Practices.

Jeff Gaddis
Land Surveyor 515-276-4884 ext. 221 ContactB.S. Civil Engineering, Iowa State University, 1998. Became a Professional Land Surveyor in Iowa and a member of Society of Land Surveyors of Iowa in 2007. Joined CEC full time in 1998. Has work experience as a Survey Crew Leader from 1998-2003, Land Surveyor Technician 2003-2007, and Professional Land Surveyor since 2007. Experienced in the legal interpretation of property boundaries and easements, construction layout procedures and practices, land survey crew operational procedures, and Global Positioning System (GPS). Responsible for processing and preparing survey crew staking data, property legal descriptions, easement descriptions, topographic surveys, ALTA/ACSM surveys, as-built surveys, retracement surveys, plat of survey, subdivision plats, acquisition plats, public land corner certificates, and easement exhibits.

Cody Weaver
Professional Engineer 515-276-4884 ext. 227 ContactB.S. in Civil Engineering from Iowa State University in 2013, joined Civil Engineering Consultants (CEC) in 2014. A Licensed Professional Engineer in Iowa since 2019, becoming a Partner in CEC in 2020. Design expertise in stormwater management, pavement design, sanitary and storm sewer systems, water systems, site grading, and erosion control for commercial and residential development. Also, structural design with reinforced concrete for utility vaults, foundations, and retaining walls. Knowledge with preliminary platting, site planning, public construction drawings, and final platting processes.